Eclipses are like book-ends, so now is a great time to watch my latest video. I shared a powerful message for the New Moon Eclipse, to let you know how to harness the mega energy of the final Eclipse of 2022. In it, I'm talking about: DESTINED CHANGE, TRANSFORMATION, LETTING GO and NEW OPPORTUNITIES. Enjoy! Be sure to comment, and let me know how it resonates :-)
5D TIMELINE UPDATE (change coming soon, watch this space!) w/c October 10th 2022 - this one's important, just in case you missed it! 28. ANCESTORS We are now in the sights of the upcoming Eclipse portal, which opens on 25th. The energy is here, right now! There is a certain sense of urgency to get on with something. You may be feeling this... if so, pay attention to this message. Whatever you are trying to achieve in your life, has roots in the past. These may be helpful roots - skills, qualities or legacies from your family, community or bloodline, which are very useful and productive for your path forwards. It may be the case that you need to become consciously aware of these heirloom gifts, and harness them for your benefit right now. If this is you, you likely have everything you need, right at your fingertips, if only you will recognise this truth. It may also be the case that whatever you are trying to achieve is being BLOCKED by something that you have inherited from your family, tribe or bloodline. Some unhelpful hand-me-down is stunting your growth, progress or creations. Please know that this is not your fault. But it IS your responsibility to overcome this now. Both of the above options could be true for you, simultaneously... To discover how to unlock these blocks, realise your power over your reality, so that you can manifest your desired outcome... READ MY ADVICE ON:
READ THE FULL UPDATE GET HERE: Card deck: Earth & Spirit Oracle, Sandra Anne Taylor #oraclereadingonline #intuitiveadvisor #weeklymessages #guidancefortheweek #soothingmysoul #spiritualguidancereadings #healingguidance #5dtimeline #intuitivemessages #2022reading #lifepurposereading #soulmissions #soulmissionlifepurposecomingin2022 #energyhealingsessions #livemeditation #onlinemeditationevents #livemeditationsession #onlinehealingcommunity #cariadcommunity #onlinespiritualcommunity #onpatreon ©JS2022 If you have followed this advice in the past, and it left you feeling like you were doing something wrong, this blog post is for you! This is the standard advice that I see thrown around a lot. People tell you to “feel your feelings”, the idea being that the feelings will pass. For some of us, this just isn’t how it goes. For many of us, this can be counter-intuitive, and feels just plain wrong. Each individual has a preferred and optimal way of dealing with stuff. If you have followed me on social media, you will know I am a Capricorn. As an Earth sign, with no water placements in my birth chart at all, “feeling feelings” just isn’t my thing. I am not built to work that way! That is good enough reason in itself, for me to ignore this advice. But wait, I have more! There are certain circumstances in which “feeling your feelings” can also be highly counter-productive. And if you are following my work, I would like to make a bet that these circumstances apply to you. Whether you are aware of it already, or not. So, please read on… Feeling your feelings can be fine when you are just processing day-to-day emotions. Someone just cut you up while driving? It is normal to get annoyed, and acknowledging that feeling helps it to pass quicker. I get it. You don’t want to be holding on to the feeling of road rage, even if it is justified! However, if you are following my page, the chances are that you are not simply processing everyday emotions. You are likely dealing with emotions from childhood, or from past lives. Or both together. Feeling those kinds of emotions can be confusing, never-ending, and re-traumatising. As was the case for me, you may find yourself sinking into something that doesn’t make sense, life-times' worth of old emotions, that are totally overpowering. (Yes, I am aware that past life or childhood emotions can get mixed up with present day emotions – this is more complicated to explain in a blog post, so I won’t attempt it. Suffice to say though, that simply “feeling those feelings” will also not be beneficial.) If you take nothing else from this blog post, take this: EMOTIONS ARE MESSAGES. They are here to tell us something, They are signs that there is something we need to look at and address. FOR OLD SOULS WHO ARE ON A HEALING JOURNEY, OUR EMOTIONS COME UP TO SHOW US WHAT NEEDS TO BE HEALED. Just “feeling” them is as good as ignoring the messages. Those messages will just keep on coming back, again and again, trying to get our attention. Ignoring the messages from emotions will eventually lead to other things that try to get our attention instead. Physical pains, health issues, or seeming “unlucky” events in our lives. And when the energy is high – like right now, with Lionsgate and the Full Moon – the messages we receive from our emotions (and the other messages too) are amplified. This is how the energy helps us, it acts like a magnifying glass, and shows up what needs to be healed. So, take some time to look into what is causing the emotions that are coming up for you. Tune in to your intuition, and let it guide you to the answers you need. Ask things like:
So, if you have found “feeling your feelings” didn’t work for you, I trust that this post was useful for you. Doing this kind of self-reflection and inner work, helps to align us with our true path, and also with our happiness. And that is what I wish for everyone reading my blog 😊 ©JS2022 Today is our New Moon in Leo. And August is ALL about Lionsgate, as far as I am concerned. So while things are very intense right now, I love it! The intensity this month can make it feel like we are regressing somehow. Like we have taken two steps forward, but now are taking two steps back. You may even feel FORCED to do this, because it may seem like you have made a wrong move. In truth, we can NEVER make a wrong move. The WRONG MOVE may seem to be glaring in our faces, but we need to really look beyond that. What did you learn in the process of making the wrong move? Who did you meet? What did you realise about yourself? What did you heal? I assure you that, whatever happens, every single little detail that happened as a result of a "wrong move" will give you what you need for your ultimate goal. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, simply TRUSTING this fact, will bring you inner peace. Which in turn will mean you don't waste too much energy on worrying about your "wrong move". NOTE TO SELF: Nothing is ever a wrong move. These kinds of errors in thinking (thinking you made a mistake) come naturally to us, as we are conditioned to think that way. However, we are asked now, to condition ourselves to think more positively, and to be more TRUSTING of our path. This creates a Path of Least Resistance, mentally as well as physically. It is also natural to feel distrustful of our intuition, if, when we follow it, it looks like things are going "wrong". The things that go wrong are by design. Here is an example, of something that happened to me, when I trusted my intuition: I left a really good job in a school, and took a risk to work for a new start-up company. Within a year, I was made redundant by that company. That, to the outside world, may look like I had made a rather stupid decision (some people even told me so!), however, it shifted me in the PERFECT direction. It gave me the chance to leave the school, which was exhausting me, to say the least. It moved me to a new area, which was perfect for setting up my business, and also meant I had loads of support while I did so. Of course, being made redundant was crud at the time, but I am 1000% certain I made the right choice. That seeming "wrong move", which was initiated by my intuition, put me in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, and the right resources. How can THAT be a wrong move? Just because it was challenging, and just because I couldn't see all of the plan, doesn't mean it was a mistake. So, hopefully, you can see what I am getting at? While it is easy to become distrustful of our intuition when the doo-doo hits the fan, WE MUST CONTINUE TO TRUST. I learned SO MUCH from that time in my life, including how STRONG, how RESILIENT and how BRAVE I am. Learning stuff like that about ourselves is VITAL for our forward path! Trust your intuition now. You might have to grit your teeth. You might feel squeezed, tested, and even a little bruised by what happens, but it is ALL for your best and highest good. Where you are going, your pea-brain cannot fathom, so you won't find answers with that. You are here to create something MAGICAL, that only your intuition can guide you to create. Trust THAT. Enjoy this? Then you will LOVE my community! 💫Soul Mission vs Life Purpose💫 Many of us are wrapping up our Soul Mission, as well as working on our life purpose right now. This can make things intense! 💜Need support on your journey? Join my community EDIT: Did I really say it isn't hard?😅 I meant it isn't EASY😂 Reckon the energy has got to me - over and out! 🙈 💚Need some healing or a Soul reading? Look HERE #fullmoonmood #fullmoonhealing #fullmoonpower #fullmoon2022 #oraclereadingonline #intuitiveadvisor #weeklymessages #guidancefortheweek #soothingmysoul #spiritualguidancereadings #healingguidance #5dtimeline #intuitivemessages #2022reading #superfullmoon #fullmoonmusings #fullmoonincapricorn #fullmoonincapricorn2022 #lifepurposereading #soulmissions #soulmissionlifepurposecomingin2022 #energyhealingsessions #livemeditation #onlinemeditationevents #livemeditationsession ©JS2022 I created a powerful chakra cleanse meditation, for my lovely readers :-) You can use as much as you need, I recommend doing this every day. In the morning will help you start your day on the right foot. At night, will give you a fab night's sleep. Like this? Then you will LOVE my new members space - join us in Cariad Community now! Children, Freya, Mother Healing Today's Full Moon Eclipse closes the current Eclipse portal. It also closes the last 6 month Eclipse cycle, while simultaneously starting a new 6 month cycle. Eclipses go through larger cycles too, which can cover decades... it gets complicated, and it isn't my area of expertise, so I won't try to explain it any further! The reason I point this out, to show just how significant this time and energy is. We are in the spaghetti junction of timeline convergences. MASSIVE SHIFTS ARE HAPPENING. Not all of it will be seen straight away, but it may be felt. Souls who have been on the healing journey for a long time, who have been consciously unpicking their "stuff", are making the biggest leaps during this Eclipse portal. Results of this will likely become noticeable during the second round of Eclipse portals later this year (get reading the Eclipse Energy Guide that I created for you!) Those souls who are new to the journey, or who have not been working consciously on healing, will experience big shifts too. However, the shifts will likely be the dismantling of that which does not serve. It can feel crud when that happens, as big parts of life start to fall away, foundations which seemed immovable, suddenly crumble. As horrid as it may be to experience it, it is all for the good. Wherever you are in your journey, these cards show me that these Eclipses leave us "like a child". The world will feel "new", as the energy we are experiencing has not been felt in the physical plane before. We are "new", because a huge layer of healing has been completed, and we are able to get in touch with more of our soul now than we ever have been able to access before. Things will feel different... 💙 READ MORE IN CARIAD COMMUNITY. Find out how to join here: Card deck: Magical Messages from the Fairies, Goddess Guidance, Magical Mermaids and Dolphins, Doreen Virtue #oraclereadingonline #intuitiveadvisor #weeklymessages #guidancefortheweek #soothingmysoul #spiritualguidancereadings #healingguidance #5dtimeline #2022reading ©JS2022 Full Moons are all about culminations, completions and conclusions. The high energy of Full Moons has always given me a boot up the butt to initiate something. It isn't always welcome, let me tell you. Full Moon energy keeps me awake, usually with fab ideas, and insights come flooding in, so that I have to write them down. Right there and then! I just have to go with the energy as it presents itself in the moment, to make the most of it. Sleep? Pah! Who needs sleep?! One trick I have learned along the way, to stop my sleep from being disturbed (or to stop it being as disturbed...) is to take some time before bed, to go within and reflect. Setting time aside deliberately to do this, helps the energy stop bugging me as much, the most of any opportunities that present themselves. Sometimes I even go all out - I like to light some incense or a candle, get some healing music on, and all my crystals around me. Sort of a Full Moon ritual, if you'd like to call it that. Then, I ask myself, the Universe, the Angels, who or whatever feels appropriate at the time, to tell me what do I need to know? I have had some cracking responses to this in the past, so I always make sure to write it all down, as I don't want to forget any of it. Indeed, this is how I got big answers about my healing journey and my mission work. My challenge to you this Full Moon, is to take a bit of time to sit with yourself, sit in the energy, and sit with the messages that are waiting to intuitively come to you now. The truth is, we have access to all the answers we could ever need. We simply need to practise tuning in, intuitively. The Full Moon energy amplifies these messages, making them easier to access. So, go on now, flex those spiritual muscles, and indulge yourself in some Soul Time. Like this? Then you will love Cariad Community - a haven of serenity, supporting you on your spiritual and healing journey. Learn more HERE w/c February 21st 2022 💗 As we head towards 22.02.2022, I am feeling and noticing big shifts in my reality. This is what I call "Timeline Shifts". A big energy portal such as this one, does the heavy-duty shifting to make the physical reality match all the healing we have done. Today I feel guided to share in a bit more detail, how this process looks for me. So here goes: 💜It started with me noticing how things triggered me or things I didn't want to experience. *It all starts with this awareness.* Once I noticed, I then worked on understanding why I reacted that way, where it came from. While I did that, of course, I would use my energy healing techniques to clear the underlying energy at the root. This process would repeat over and over. Either the same, or similarly themed, issues would crop up again and again, making me feel like it wasn't working. EXCEPT IT IS, it is just that the changes are incremental, making them almost imperceptible. 🧡As we repeat the process - clear layers of energy, understand patterns at a deeper level - we also reach greater levels of awareness. With greater awareness, we notice more work to do. The healing work will always continue, but eventually, we get to a place where it isn't such hard work. And then some big energy, often (but not always) Eclipses, comes in to shift the physical reality to match the inner work we have done. How much things shift, depends on how much work we have done. This is how the energy supports us. But it is up to us to prepare, to "catch" the energy - just like a surfer catches a wave 🏄♀️ How does this resonate for you? Let me know in the comments 💎 💙 SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER - #oraclereadingonline #intuitiveadvisor #weeklymessages #guidancefortheweek #weekendwisdoms #mondaymessages #soothingmysoul #spiritualguidancereadings #healingguidance #5dtimeline The Divine Feminine has been a huge part of my journey, and I have been called to write a series of blog posts about my experience, as many more people are finding themselves called to this path now. If you have found this post, then this is probably for you. There are no coincidences, so please read on, and take what resonates. If some of this makes sense for you, you may like to check out my events and services, including my free monthly Crystal Wellbeing Meditation. You may also like to bookmark this page. As you read on, my best advice is to feel the energy of the words here – trying to process them logically may fry your brain! Feel them, and you will feel the truth that resonates with you and your soul’s experience. Last month I wrote about Intuition and Third Eye chakra wounding, which I believe is the most common wounding of Divine Feminine energy. In this month's blog, I am focussing on Sacral chakra wounding - this is equally as common, but it can be a side effect of Third Eye chakra issues. The Sacral chakra and Third Eye chakra work in tandem with each other. They are both predominantly feminine energy centres. The Third Eye is the more energetic/etheric, whereas the Sacral chakra is more physical. But both are connected to intuition, which is why people refer to intuition as "gut instinct" - the Sacral chakra is located in the lower tummy, below the belly button. When we have been in "trouble" for using our intuition/Third Eye/Divine Feminine energy, we shut it down. When we shut it down THE INTUITIVE MESSAGES STILL KEEP ON COMING. Just because we ignore them, whether on purpose, or unconsciously, they do NOT disappear! These messages try to get our attention in another way, via our EMOTIONS. Which we are conditioned to ignore/bypass by society - for similar reasons to the ones I mention in Blog Post 1 of this series (read it HERE). How many times has someone said you, or women in general, are over-sensitive, too emotional, irrational? The more we suppress our emotions, the stronger they come up - they come up to show us the messages we have missed. When things get really bad, they start to show up as physical conditions. Here are just a few:
How many of these problems have you struggled with? I know I have had all of them! I have always tended to get more than my fair share, to make me heal myself, and then later help other with their healing, so you will hopefully have not had so many. This process can also happen in reverse - above, the Third Eye is shut down, and the Sacral chakra suffers as a result. However, I have also seen it where the Sacral chakra wounding has a knock-on effect for the Third Eye. The Divine Feminine is mega-powerful, and also a complete mystery. Women get pregnant, and their bodies change almost like magic, and, giving birth, they are literally a divine portal between Heaven and Earth. This is all potent Sacral chakra energy, and is the kind of power that people just didn't understand, envied, tried to control and dominate. This lead to abuse of the Divine Feminine via the Sacral chakra, out of jealousy and distrust, including:
Such abuse creates blocks and damage in the Sacral chakra - we falsely believed that the abuse happened to us because of our Divine Feminine energy, and we shut down our Sacral chakra, so as to "protect" ourselves in future. And as our intuition and Third Eye are part of the same flow of Divine Feminine energy, that becomes blocked and suppressed in a domino-effect. We believe we simply can not trust our Divine Feminine energy, in all its forms. This is all pretty intense, but as I mentioned in the last post, things are different now. Our sacred energy is very much needed, and it is safe for us to express it in all its glory. Yes, there may be some healing to do, in order to fully manifest and embody our Divine Feminine energy in the physical, but we are fully supported in this. We now have the chance to break old and unhelpful cycles of the past, so that we can live in alignment with our true, Divine nature. My intention is that the insight in this blog post helps you to recognise areas that need to be healed. It really doesn't matter where the healing starts, Third Eye or Sacral, as it is all connected. If you are aware that you have healing to do, but are not sure where to start, send me a message now, for free resources and advice. On December 11th, I am hosting a Divine Feminine Healing workshop, which will have a profound impact on your healing journey, offering transformational results. Read about it and book here |
AuthorJo is a natural medium, empath and intuitive healer, helping people to ride the waves of life Categories
July 2024