I am VERY excited to announce that I am joining Hope College of Crystal Healing as a tutor!
Having done my two-year training with Sandra, founder and principal of HCCH, I am a huge fan of her courses. I feel very honoured that she has asked me to teach the accredited courses within her school, as she is such a wonderful and talented teacher herself. So, as well as continuing my crystal healing work with individuals, and my workshops for kids and adults, I will begin offering ACHO accredited Crystal Therapy courses from this Summer onwards. I am really looking forward to getting this going, so if you're interested in the accredited courses, please get in touch with me via the contact page. For more details of Sandra, HCCH, and the accredited courses, please visit this link: http://www.hope-college.co.uk/page_2968683.html
Opportunities are making themselves known to you right now. There are SO many new starts on offer, just look at this!
So far, we have experienced: The recent New Moon and Eclipse = the opening of a portal for wiping the slate clean, cleansing away the old, and releasing the past. The Spring Equinox = a new start, as life begins to grow and open up all around us. The Sun moved into Aries = the start of the Astrological Year. And we are about to experience: The first Full Moon of the Astrological Year, which coincides with another Eclipse = the closing of the Eclipse portal, completion of the process of wiping the slate clean, cleansing and releasing the past. Have you been feeling it? Squeezed? Stressed? Under pressure? Wondering "when is this going to end? When am I going to start feeling better?" Well, it ends when you let it. Have you been letting go of what needs to go? Or have you been clinging on to old beliefs, situations, relationships, patterns? This stuff that is annoying you, upsetting you, stopping you from moving forwards... it's just showing itself to you, so that you can do something about it. Yes, that's right. DO something about it. If you don't, who will? If you don't make the changes to bring yourself the life of your dreams, who will? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Do you keep doing the same things, but expecting different results? Do you keep thinking the same thoughts, and expecting things to change? Do you keep accepting behaviour that you don't want, from people around you, and expect it to magically disappear? Doing the same thing, and expecting different outcomes is the definition of madness. But you're not mad, you're not stupid, so come one, why are you still doing this to yourself? I get it. We're all only human. We make mistakes, we don't like to take risks, we want to be friends with everyone, we get stuck sometimes, and we don't like to rock the boat. But sometimes, FOR OWN GOOD, we have to take risks, upset some people, perhaps make some mistakes while trying to do something differently... We have to. Or it will all just stay the same. While we're waiting for the Full Moon on March 23rd, and the Eclipse portal closure, we have time to look into our hearts, and to figure out what needs to be done differently. And it DOES NEED to be done differently. Only you know what to do. It may be scary to think about this, but you will just KNOW, in your HEART, what to do. Do it for yourself. And if you can't do it for yourself, do it for the good of the people around you - when you're happier, they'll be happier to. Do it for the Universe, we ALL need you to do the right thing for you. It restores balance for us all. The more of us who find our own true calling, own inner balance, our perfect vibration, the easier it will be for us all. If you're not sure what your heart is telling you, keep listening - it never gives us, it sends out the same message over and over, until we get it. If you've not been listening to your heart for some time, it'll take a while to tune back in. Your heart is your own perfect partner, and will always be there for you - the seat of your soul. If you'd like some help tuning back into your heart, get in touch to book a reading. Happy Equinox, Happy New Astrological New Year, and Happy Eclipse Portal <3 |
AuthorJo is a natural medium, empath and intuitive healer, helping people to ride the waves of life Categories
July 2024