Hosting my new program gave ME a huge manifestation – I wasn’t expecting to receive manifestations for myself. Let alone a manifestation that I had wanted for over DECADE, and that I had given up on receiving. I created the Art of Electric Manifestation to help women in business manifest money, clients and success. As we all know, manifestations come in various ways and forms, so I always expect the unexpected. But it honestly didn’t cross my mind that I would be the one to receive manifestations, after hosting the live program! So, what IS this mega manifestation? I’m glad you asked. I’ll tell you, but first, a little back story… Since 2012, I had been desperate to get out of teaching and working in schools. Don’t get me wrong, I loved working with kids, I still do. It was just all the other stuff that went with it – it bled me dry, it made me ill, and it made me miserable. Gradually, I had been extricating myself from it, but I never managed to fully escape it. I had a couple of years away from school, and being able to focus on my intuitive business was amazing for me. But then last year, shit happened, and I had to go back to school. I did NOT want to be there, but I needed the money. Money was always the issue. And I also needed to upgrade my skills, to make my business sustainable. So, it was a means to an end. It paid the bills, and it paid for a business mentor, who has been pivotal in inspiring me to develop the Art of Electric Manifestation. I knew I didn’t want to be in schools any more, and I knew I had a purpose with my spiritual work, but I had NO idea what else I could do, to keep me going while I built up my business. For the last ten years, I couldn’t find a decent alternative, and didn’t even know where to start. Earlier this month, knowing I was coming to the end of the school contract, I knew I needed another job. I was looking at adverts, and applied for a couple of school-based roles, but felt really uninspired. My heart was not in it - to put it mildly! Then the Universe threw me a bone. Two weeks ago, a non-school, non-teaching role turned up on the education-specific jobs site that I had been keeping an eye on. My interest was piqued by the advert, and when I enquired, the people I spoke to had no idea how the job ended up on that site. So, the way this job came about, was very synchronistic, and, long story short, within the week, the job was mine, without so much as filling in an application form. Sounds insane, doesn’t it? But it is 100% the truth. I start on Monday. And just to add to the “it must be too good to be true” vibe... This job pays 30% more, AND gives me expenses, AND allows me to work as flexibly as I choose. Those of you who know me well, know that I love setting my own schedule, so having this kind of freedom, after the rigidity of the school day and calendar, is an absolute God-send for me. More than that, this job is pretty unique. It is PERFECT for me, and I am perfect for it. It’s working with teenagers, to get them into training and employment – from my perspective, I see it as a way of helping them discover and get started with their life purpose. If you have been following me for a while, you will know this has been a passion of mine for some time. You literally can not make this shit up! The last week or two have been surreal. I have been pinching myself, as this gift from the Universe has been handed to me on a plate. I knew these kinds of manifestations were possible, but to have something this significant, this magical, is just beyond what I thought was possible for me. This is why I do the intuitive work that I do, and this is why I created The Art of Electric Manifestation. If you, like me, believe that these kinds of manifestations are possible, and you are READY to make them happen for YOURSELF, message me with your fave emoji and I’ll send you details about The Art of Electric Manifestation. It is available on demand, with lifetime access, for an unbeatable amount that is only available until I host it again live. So PM me that emoji now
The old ways of manifesting, that were tried and true for so long, are being phased out. You have probably already noticed that they are no longer working. To be honest, they never did work for me - I banged my head against a brick wall for YEARS trying to make them work. I couldn’t understand WHY they didn’t work me for me🤯 Now I know why. I always was the one “doing things differently”. I was MEANT to do things differently. I was meant to introduce a NEW WAY. 🔥New energies + New way of manifesting = New way of being🔥 The new ways of manifesting are key to our success now, no matter what it is we are trying to achieve. We have to be, do, live and work differently now. If you are reading this, YOU are meant to do things differently, and you are meant to lead the way💣💥 The new way of manifesting is EASIER than ever before – when you know how. And I can show you how – click the button! 🦄💜 In my last post, I talked about money being a tool that we can use in positive ways. I also talked about blocks lurking just beneath our conscious awareness - although, perhaps you are becoming more consciously aware of them after reading my last piece. These blocks can sound like:
So, we can THINK we are doing all that we can to improve our results, and change our reality. But our energy is literally REPELLING incoming wealth and abundance. And so our reality reflects this back to us. Making decent money IS hard for us. Or we DO end up sacrificing our health to achieve what we desire. Or we might actually give up, because it appears that there really is NO POINT. This is so sad! But it doesn't have to be this way. It is totally possible to turn things around - I know, because I did it. Want more like this? Click the button and subscribe to my newsletter! Jo x ✨A transmission from my Arcturian family, to support you navigating the energies, and reach your highest potential 💜 This month's theme is abundance, and I drew the card CELESTITE. Also known as Celestine (which is what I call it), it is one of my favourite crystals for communicating with the Angelic realms. Celestine resonates with the frequency of the Throat chakra, and the Heart is also mentioned on this card: "Trusting your heart is the key to be happy and carefree". To be happy, carefree, and ABUNDANT, we must connect with our Hearts. The Heart is the seat of the Soul, it knows what we have come here to do, it knows what will make us happy, and it knows that abundance is our Divine birth right. We must trust our Heart to lead us. This is not easy! Our minds, fears, past experiences to name a few, can shout louder than our Heart, so it can be difficult to hear the quiet but persistent voice of our Heart and Soul. In Cariad Community, I share tips to help with this, including: ❤️ Remember that the voice of our Heart and Soul is ALWAYS there, it never leaves us. We can "lose connectivity" at times, but it is always whispering to us. All we need do is re-connect 🧡 How our emotions play a key role in our manifestations 💛 Why our minds can be our worst enemy 💚 Why it is so important to LISTEN TO OUR INTUITION. 💙 How to align with our highest timeline 💜 Why it is normal for fears to come up, and what to do when that happens ✨Read the full message HERE 💜 I'd love to know how this resonates with you - have you noticed how your fears are blocking your manifestations? ✨DECK: Messages from Mother Earth, Jaqueline Winters ©JS2022 ✨We are heading for a re-birth - NAVIGATION TRANSMISSION✨ 💚A transmission from my Arcturian family, to support you navigating the energies, and reach your highest potential 💜 As we approach the festive period, it is rather fitting that I was guided to use my Archangel Gabriel deck, and also that I just so happened to pull out the BIRTH card. Let's see what comes out in this message... 🤰We are heading for a re-birth 🤰This is a crucial juncture. We can not see it yet. Things will be better than we can possibly imagine, because what we are creating is SO much better than anything and everything we have experienced before, in this physical realm. Across all lifetimes. What we came here to create, lifetimes ago, is almost ready to become physical. We have carried the energy codes for the duration of our time here on Earth, though never managed to manifest them into reality. 😵It has been a frustrating and exhausting journey, and it has been confusing for us to know (albeit it subconsciously) that things weren't supposed to be "like this". The lifetimes we have experienced so far, have been far from what our souls wanted, and far from what we knew to be possible. 🥳Our time is now coming. We have waded through lifetimes of hardship, unable to be our truest versions of ourselves, received harsh percussions should we have dared to even try. And now finally, this world is ready to receive us in our Highest and Lightest form. We are now able to flourish in the highest of vibrations. ✨If you tune into your heart, listen with your intuition, you will FEEL these words and this message to be true✨ This month we are called to hibernate. Gestate would be a better word. Allow ourselves a rest period, as we fully develop our ... IN THE FULL MESSAGE I SHARE messages of guidance from my Arcturian family, to support us with this, INCLUDING: ❤️ How to bring ourselves peace 🧡 How to clear worries 💛 What we need to do right now, to achieve the highest and best outcome for ourselves this month 💚 What we need to avoid this month, for own best and highest good 💙 And I will be sharing why all of this is VITALLY IMPORTANT 💜 Get the full update HERE: 💜How does this resonate with you? Please comment below! ✨DECK: Archangel Gabriel Oracle, Doreen Virtue ©JS2022 If you have followed this advice in the past, and it left you feeling like you were doing something wrong, this blog post is for you! This is the standard advice that I see thrown around a lot. People tell you to “feel your feelings”, the idea being that the feelings will pass. For some of us, this just isn’t how it goes. For many of us, this can be counter-intuitive, and feels just plain wrong. Each individual has a preferred and optimal way of dealing with stuff. If you have followed me on social media, you will know I am a Capricorn. As an Earth sign, with no water placements in my birth chart at all, “feeling feelings” just isn’t my thing. I am not built to work that way! That is good enough reason in itself, for me to ignore this advice. But wait, I have more! There are certain circumstances in which “feeling your feelings” can also be highly counter-productive. And if you are following my work, I would like to make a bet that these circumstances apply to you. Whether you are aware of it already, or not. So, please read on… Feeling your feelings can be fine when you are just processing day-to-day emotions. Someone just cut you up while driving? It is normal to get annoyed, and acknowledging that feeling helps it to pass quicker. I get it. You don’t want to be holding on to the feeling of road rage, even if it is justified! However, if you are following my page, the chances are that you are not simply processing everyday emotions. You are likely dealing with emotions from childhood, or from past lives. Or both together. Feeling those kinds of emotions can be confusing, never-ending, and re-traumatising. As was the case for me, you may find yourself sinking into something that doesn’t make sense, life-times' worth of old emotions, that are totally overpowering. (Yes, I am aware that past life or childhood emotions can get mixed up with present day emotions – this is more complicated to explain in a blog post, so I won’t attempt it. Suffice to say though, that simply “feeling those feelings” will also not be beneficial.) If you take nothing else from this blog post, take this: EMOTIONS ARE MESSAGES. They are here to tell us something, They are signs that there is something we need to look at and address. FOR OLD SOULS WHO ARE ON A HEALING JOURNEY, OUR EMOTIONS COME UP TO SHOW US WHAT NEEDS TO BE HEALED. Just “feeling” them is as good as ignoring the messages. Those messages will just keep on coming back, again and again, trying to get our attention. Ignoring the messages from emotions will eventually lead to other things that try to get our attention instead. Physical pains, health issues, or seeming “unlucky” events in our lives. And when the energy is high – like right now, with Lionsgate and the Full Moon – the messages we receive from our emotions (and the other messages too) are amplified. This is how the energy helps us, it acts like a magnifying glass, and shows up what needs to be healed. So, take some time to look into what is causing the emotions that are coming up for you. Tune in to your intuition, and let it guide you to the answers you need. Ask things like:
So, if you have found “feeling your feelings” didn’t work for you, I trust that this post was useful for you. Doing this kind of self-reflection and inner work, helps to align us with our true path, and also with our happiness. And that is what I wish for everyone reading my blog 😊 ©JS2022 w/c February 21st 2022 💗 As we head towards 22.02.2022, I am feeling and noticing big shifts in my reality. This is what I call "Timeline Shifts". A big energy portal such as this one, does the heavy-duty shifting to make the physical reality match all the healing we have done. Today I feel guided to share in a bit more detail, how this process looks for me. So here goes: 💜It started with me noticing how things triggered me or things I didn't want to experience. *It all starts with this awareness.* Once I noticed, I then worked on understanding why I reacted that way, where it came from. While I did that, of course, I would use my energy healing techniques to clear the underlying energy at the root. This process would repeat over and over. Either the same, or similarly themed, issues would crop up again and again, making me feel like it wasn't working. EXCEPT IT IS, it is just that the changes are incremental, making them almost imperceptible. 🧡As we repeat the process - clear layers of energy, understand patterns at a deeper level - we also reach greater levels of awareness. With greater awareness, we notice more work to do. The healing work will always continue, but eventually, we get to a place where it isn't such hard work. And then some big energy, often (but not always) Eclipses, comes in to shift the physical reality to match the inner work we have done. How much things shift, depends on how much work we have done. This is how the energy supports us. But it is up to us to prepare, to "catch" the energy - just like a surfer catches a wave 🏄♀️ How does this resonate for you? Let me know in the comments 💎 💙 SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER - #oraclereadingonline #intuitiveadvisor #weeklymessages #guidancefortheweek #weekendwisdoms #mondaymessages #soothingmysoul #spiritualguidancereadings #healingguidance #5dtimeline Channelled? That's what it is, but it sounds like I'm going into a trance state or something. But the truth is, I am so in touch with my soul now, that I am pretty much ALWAYS channelling Her. That's what this process of purging does - brings us in line with our Soul. So yes, this message is coming from my Soul. Which is part of the Universe. Or God. Whatever you want to call it. It all depends on your perspective- whatever makes sense to you, makes sense for a reason. My Soul is a spark of the Divine, part of that "thing" which is greater than "us". A Higher Power. So, I am a spark of the Universe, a spark of God. And we are ALL a spark of that. We are ALL Divine. This is what this process does - makes us aware of our Divinity. This message has been prompted by my reflection of the purging process I have been through, the journey I have been on, the Shift to 5D consciousness, leaving behind the 3D. To begin with, I was just so damn happy and RELIEVED to be finishing up the purging cycle. Holy Cow was I relieved. I didn't care about any potential benefits. It was just glad to be able to feel pretty confident that I could get out of bed without a struggle every day. To be able to brush my teeth, prepare food and sleep through the night more frequently! But today, I am feeling INVINCIBLE. I am really starting to notice the benefits of this journey. This process started in 2007, but I wasn't really aware of what it was at the time. So this has been a fair few years in the making. I became "awake" to the more spiritual side of things in 2012, and my spiritual gifts took off like a rocket. But that was NOTHING compared with the last two years. March 2018 was the start of the worst of the worst purging for me, and it started to slowly wind down from probably October 2018. And it was a gradual wind-down. But as rocky as the lows were in those two years, there were some amazing pockets of intense awakening. Where I was tapping into other dimensions, connecting with my Star Family, other star nations who are involved in this 5D Shift project. Connecting with Gods, Goddesses, Ascended Masters so closely, it was unimaginable. It was those things that kept me going (along with a couple of really strong physical friends) during those shitty times, as it felt like is was such an honour to have contact with these beings and to connect with such higher dimensional energies, to have access to such wisdom. But none of that compares with how I feel today. This feeling has been building for some time, but today it really feels TANGIBLE. I have been working with the ENERGY of this stuff for so long, and while I knew it was "real", it also didn't SEEM real, because I am living in this physical dimension. It was just an "idea" or a daydream. I knew about New Earth, I knew about 5D, I knew vaguely what I was aiming for, because I was being told it, but had no idea what that would actually be when it happened. I just knew I had to go with what was happening, my Soul compelled me to, as did all the guidance and support from the other realms. With all the wisdom and energy I could access, I still was pretty much blind. Working with pure, blind faith. I went through what felt like bloody torture, with what felt like a whisp of inkling as a carrot, not really fully trusting that it would actually become a physical reality.... But it IS. For the first time, I am seeing beyond the fears, the doubts, the programming, the 3D crap that I was born into, and that society perpetuates. I can FEEL my Soul in my body now. I can feel the potential of the infinite energy. I can actually start to WORK with this energy beyond the limits of what my mind had been programmed to believe was possible. I can use the energy of my Soul, of the Universe, of God, to CREATE down here. Create from this 5D and Soul consciousness, in this physical reality. THAT is how New Earth is created. From a consciousness that is free from limits, free from fears and programmes. From an expanded and Divine consciousness. THAT is what we came here for. To create New Earth. As we purge the 3D, it literally no longer exists for us. And all that remains is the 5D potential. The 3D dies a little more, each time we purge, and leave each fragment behind. As we unplug our energy from it, refusing to feed the parasite that it is, 3D ceases to exist. It became VERY clear to me today, that I have come here to birth the 5D consciousness and create the New Earth. Come Hell or High Water. And I am here to support others as they birth 5D consciousness and create New Earth for themselves too. This is why I created the Energetic Shift group, and this is why I am holding the online events - it wasn't totally obvious to me until now. I just felt like I was stabbing in the dark, or like I was making things up just to make it through the insanity of the purging. But today, I realise that I am actually managing to do this for myself, that I can create a new Reality for myself, of my own design, and it made me feel invincible. If I can do this, then so can you <3 Please book your free place of this webinar - it takes place on Friday. Even if you can't join live, register anyway, as you will be sent a link to access the recording <3 Click here for FREE Online Event: Rise of the Divine Feminine Click here to join my closed Energetic Shift group Please note: This post may not be copied or used in any way, without the express permission of the author, Jo-Anna Stuart Mary Magdelene’s Day
AuthorJo is a natural medium, empath and intuitive healer, helping people to ride the waves of life Categories
July 2024