Cariad Community - Live Meditations, Guidance, Spiritual Healing Events & Courses
Are You Ready to TRANSFORM?
Are you ready to…?
discover your inner gold
develop and strengthen your intuition
align with your unique Soul Mission
create unshakeable inner peace
free yourself from limitations
navigate your life on YOUR terms?
While it may feel out of reach, especially during challenging times, this is totally possible for you! And you absolutely deserve all of it.
I know what you’re thinking: what would she know?
I have done it myself! Out of necessity. I have overcome trauma and huge obstacles, to create the life that I truly desired. With my experience, and the amazing energy healing techniques I developed along the way, I have supported many clients to do the same.
This is how we do it
The key to transformation is making small, consistent steps. This is why I created Cariad Community.
If you are ready to fast-track your transformation, my online community is THE place to be. You have 24/7 access topowerful healing resources, that I created specifically to support your transformation. You also have the invaluable support of like-minded souls on the same journey. All in one sacred space.
Check out these EXCLUSIVE benefits:
Transformation Meditation - channelled healing, live, every month
Navigation Transmission - a monthly message, channelled from my Arcturian family
Private members' events, as I am guided - based upon specific topics, for powerful healing and intuitive messages
Special gifts, as I am inspired - for 2022, I created my guide to Eclipse Energy Guide
PLUS all the regular posts, guidance and videos you love from my social media, in acalm, peaceful oasis. (You can read more detail about the community benefits below) So, are you ready?
Are YOU ready to fast-track your transformation?
Are you ready for clarity, sanity, and serenity?
While having fun along the way??
Give yourself the ultimate gift Invest in yourself, and empower yourself to CariadShift™ your life!
Gain instant access to Cariad Community, for just £11.11
Click the button, and start your transformation NOW!
Transformation Meditation - so powerful, we only need to do this once per month! I take you deep into your subsconscious, to find your own answers, and to facilitate profound healing. Does what it says on the tin - a meditation that is totally transformational.
Navigation Transmission - once a month, I channel deep wisdom from my Arcturian family, which is designed to help us navigate our transformation. This special report gives us a heads up, about what is going on energetically, so we can make best use of the energy. Think of it as preparing to surf the energy waves!
Private members' events, as I am guided - these events are always channelled, so that we receive the exact healing and guidance we need. As examples, we have had "Starseed Struggles: Help, I want to go home!" and "Lionsgate Live!"
Special gifts, as I am inspired - every offering is divinely guided, to support you in the best way possible. For 2022, the gift was my guide to Eclipse Energy, which was written intuitively, to help members navigate the intense Eclipse energies.
THESE RESOURCES ARE TIMELESS. Whenever you feel drawn to listen, read or tap into the resources, you will get the healing and messages you need. Each time you go in to the resources, you will experience a different nuance of the healing and messages. Things resonate in a different way, depending on where you are at in your journey. It's like magic, woven in such a way, that you are always fully supported.
Hit the button below, and start the CariadShift™ now!
S.G – U.K “Jo will take you on a meditation journey which to the mind is like that book you can not put down. In fact, I could never really even touch what you would class as “entering a meditation”, until the day I started to be taken on the journey Jo walks you through. While my mind walked that path led by Jo, I experienced sensations, and was amazed at how the stresses of the day just ebbed away as the journey drew humbly to a close. A truly positive and totally unique set of experiences for me. So, these sessions are highly recommended by me based on my experiences. Jo, thank you.”
L.G – Denbighshire, Wales “Jo has an incredible ability to read a situation and deliver the information she receives in a way that’s easy to understand. She is always mindful of people’s feelings yet doesn’t shrink from giving quite strong material if necessary, she has a rare knack for giving it to you straight in a kind and supportive way. Her guidance is always spot on, and it was in this case too. She totally nailed what was going on and got right to the heart of the matter. The healing was beautiful and powerful, I can’t wait to see how things now shift in the particular situation being worked on! I felt completely safe and protected throughout, which was really important as the issues being worked on were very scary for me, and I am left with a calm feeling of wellbeing. I have no doubt it will be very valuable and transformative as always and I’m very grateful to have access to such an amazing healer. Thank you, Jo!”
S.L – Flintshire, Wales “The healing itself was powerful, and shifted something that I was struggling with for quite some time… my perception and responses to the situation have completely changed, and I feel much more empowered. Jo is a really skilled healer and I have worked with her for a number of years; each time I learn more about my spirituality, my place in the universe and what my soul’s purpose truly is. I cannot recommend Jo’s services enough, and to me, she is integral to my overall spiritual journey.”